Promotion Group
As a state with a relatively small population, we have a much smaller number of Dexter cattle than the Eastern states with membership concentrated around the Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island. Dexters are quite at home in other parts of the state, though! Our Promotion Group is quite small too, but members are always willing to help people establish their Dexter herds and learn about the breed and general cattle management practices.
Members own cattle that exhibit the full range of variations of the breed including black, red and dun, some small, some larger, some horned, some polled, so prospective breeders and owners can get a good understanding of the breed by viewing the herds in SA.
The Promotion Group provides contact for people with developing interests in Dexter cattle, acts as a support group for each other, and assists each other with showing. The main activities held during the year are exhibiting at the Royal Adelaide Show, both in the Beef Cattle section and in the Animal Nursery, and a Christmas function. Some members occasionally exhibit at regional shows.
Despite our small size, we remain enthusiastic about the Dexter Breed, so if you have an interest in Dexters and want to know more about owning these delightful and useful animals, please feel free to contact us for more information about Dexter cattle in South Australia, our members and group activities, using the contact form on this page or by finding a member near you by searching by state on the Member Enquiry link.
Photos supplied by the Dexter Promotion Group of South Australia.